Underwater dance
Underwater dance
Tiphaine Arnal
Release date: 2024 - Available for pre-order during the Salon de la Plongée (delivery from 01/02/2024)
Underwater dance means cutting yourself off from external sounds, in apnea, in a different gravity where there is so much to explore: bodily sensations, noises, blurred vision, infinite freedom of movement...
This underwater discipline has recently spread onto the web where artists and freedivers offer a wide range of aesthetic, sometimes protesting, performances. Underwater dance is based on artistic swimming techniques, borrows the elegance of dance and mainly uses apnea. It’s sort of a 3 in 1 discipline!
For several years, freediving has been developing both in recreational practice within clubs and in competition. As proof, the recent inclusion on the list of high-level sports of the Ministry of Sports. This discipline of the French Federation of Underwater Studies and Sports (FFESSM) is attracting growing interest among 150,000 licensees of all ages.
For the first time, choreographer and dancer Tiphaine Arnal shares an accessible learning method that she transmits in particular during workshops. The author addresses all aspects of this new discipline, through exercises explained step by step, for all levels.
The book is abundantly illustrated by underwater photographer François Lucazeau. Videos complete certain figures using QR Codes. Freedivers Franck Houbloup and Philippe Delaporte provide their testimony of experience as apnea monitors.
If it is not reserved only for women, it is undeniable that underwater dance could eventually become a strong new trend in the feminization of underwater activities and, why not, integrate into the 2,500 FFESSM clubs in France. This is one of the strong objectives of this work.
Whether you are a beginner, curious or already an experienced little fish, I will guide you step by step in my underwater world. Breathing, support, orientation, balance will be covered in this book, without forgetting to offer you figures to test and re- appropriate in complete safety.
Tiphaine Arnal